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Collar de Chaquira - Artesanía Huichol

Collar de Chaquira - Artesanía Huichol


Mexican Folk Art
Huichol Art.- Code CTAH120 Beaded necklace and earrings made by the Huichols of Nayarit. The jewelry made with beads of chaquira is an important element in the clothing of the Huichols, it is an excellent accessory to combine.


  • Handmade item
  • Measurements of necklace and earrings:
  • Necklace length: 55 cms (21.6535 inches)
  • Width: 3 cm (1.1811 inches)
  • Flower (necklace): 10 cm (3.93701 inches)
  • Earrings: 10 cm (3.93701 inches)
  • Made with beads
  • Mexican crafts

Handmade by artists Huicholes

Made of Chaquira

Huichol ethnic necklace

Tatehuari, Huichol art


Mexican Folk Art
Huichol Art.- Code CTAH120 Necklace and earrings made of chaquira made by the Huicholes of Nayarit. Jewelry made with chaquira beads is an important element in the clothing of the Huicholes, it is an excellent accessory to combine.


Handmade item
Necklace and earrings measures:
Necklace Length: 55 cms (21.6535 inches)
Width: 3 cm (1.1811 inches)
Flower (necklace): 10 cms (3.93701 inches)
Earrings: 10 cms (3.93701 inches)
Made with beads
Mexican handicraft
Handmade by Huicholes artists

Made of Chaquira

Huichol ethnic necklace

Tatehuari, Huichol art


Art populaire mexicain
Art Huichol - Code CTAH120 Collier et boucles d'oreilles in chaquira réalisés par les Huicholes de Nayarit. The jewels in pearl beads are an important element in the Huicholes department, which is an excellent access to combiner.


Article fait main
Collier et boucles d'oreilles mesures:
Longueur du col: 55 cm (21.6535 pouces)
Largeur: 3 cm (1.1811 pouces)
Fleur (collier): 10 cm (3.93701 pouces)
Boucles d'oreilles: 10 cm (3,93701 pouces)
I made avec des chaquiras
Artisanat mexicain
I made à la main par des artistes Huicholes

Chaquira Fait

Collier ethnique Huichol

Tatehuari, art Huichol

  • Descripción


    Arte Popular Mexicano

    Artesanía Huichol (Wixarika)

    Artesanía Huichol.- Con la característica paciencia del pueblo huichol, las manos del artísta transforman las diminutas cuentas de chaquira en motivos bellos y brillantes, las chaquiras son tejidas. El resultado es una verdadera explosión de color, repleta de símbolos sagrados para la cultura huichol. La joyería hecha con cuentas de chaquira es un elemento importante en la indumentaria de los huicholes, la usan tanto mujeres como hombres. 

    La cultura huichol se guía por las tradiciones chamánicas precolombinas vinculados a ceremonias realizadas en su pasado histórico. El jicuri (peyote) es la pieza central de Huichol ritualismo, venerado por sus propiedades curativas y su capacidad para iluminar el que participa de ella. 

    Técnica de elaboración: Se va tejiendo una a una las chaquiras (cuentas de vidrio) hasta completar el accesorio; en su elaboración el artísta huichol va desarrollando diversos dibujos y símbolos representativos de su cultura y tradiciones.

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    Paga con tu tarjeta de crédito / debito

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    2.- Estatus y seguimiento

    Una vez procesada tu orden y pago recibirás un correo con la información de la orden junto con un enlace donde podrás revisar en todo momento el estado del pedido, cualquier información adicional puedes llamarnos o enviarnos un correo.

  • Shipping

    National Shipping - Mexico
    Mexican republic

    Delivery time

    The delivery time for domestic shipping (interior of the country) is 1 to 5 business days once your order has been entered and processed.

    The email will be notified once the order has entered. and you can track through our platform as well as check your status and tracking guide number.


    International delivery
    Rest of the world

    Delivery time

    International shipping.- The delivery time for international shipments is 5 - 15 business days depending on the destination, for urgent orders you can ask an advisor who will specify the options and costs.

    The email will be notified once the order has entered, assigning an order number from where you can check the progress of the order.

    * Taxes - (International shipping)

    In some countries taxes will have to be paid for imported products. Sometimes certain products do not have to pay taxes. The rules are different in each country according to the product. Sometimes different rules apply and sometimes randomly. If you must pay taxes you must pay it when you receive the products.

    Unfortunately we cannot calculate this cost and it cannot be paid in advance. If you are selling to third parties or a gift, please check if the beneficiary is willing to pay the taxes. If you buy something on our page and are surprised to have to pay taxes when receiving your order, please take into account that Tatehuari is an independent Mexican company and different from those that collect taxes. Please inquire as much as you can about import taxes in your country. If you find tax information in your country and believe that there are ways to reduce or obtain tax exemptions, we will be happy to help you with labels, packaging, declarations, invoices, etc. You just need to tell us what to do and we will be happy to help you.

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